Posts Tagged ‘Relationships’
Six ways to increase your emotional bank account
In a relationship, it is vital to consider keeping your emotional bank account firmly in the black. Dipping into the red can lead to disaster. In her research on how a steady diet of positive emotions can help you thrive in life, Psychologist Dr Barbara Fredrickson, identified that it requires a ratio of three positive…
Read MoreHow to communicate with your partner effectively
We have taken a look at how negative communication traits affect a relationship in my last post; How communicating using the Four Horsemen is harmful to your relationship. Now let’s look at how we can approach communication more positively. It’s important to learn how to communicate effectively, and it’s not always an easy task. Remember,…
Read MoreHow communicating using the Four Horsemen is harmful to your relationship
Communication is vital if you are trying to reconnect with your partner after years of being together but feeling you have drifted apart. Sometimes we slip into negative communication patterns harmful to our relationship; John Gottman identifies these as a relationship’s Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. In my podcast with co-host Gary Austin, Love in…
Read MoreSetting boundaries: Why they are essential in every relationship
Setting boundaries and communicating them to those around you is essential in every relationship; for your partner to know what you want and what you don’t. For your mother-in-law to see what you will accept in your relationship and what you won’t. For your kids to understand that Mom is a person in her own…
Read MoreHow to change your mindset to improve your relationship
When we are in a long-term relationship, the early days of passionate love start to wear off, and we move into a more comfortable, deeper, steady type of love that comes with the feelings of security you have with a long-term partner. But often, we get annoyed by our partner’s quirks, habits, or perceived faults,…
Read MorePassionate love vs. Compassionate love
Do you feel the spark has gone after spending many years in your long-term relationship? That the passionate love has been buried deep under the challenges of your marriage? This is not uncommon in a relationship that has weathered life’s ups and downs and has, well, to be honest, experienced life. Stresses may have eaten…
Read MoreWhat’s your love language?
It’s essential to know your partner’s and your own love language so you can connect with each other on a deeper level and express affection and love to them in a way that they can appreciate and deeply connect to. My language is ‘Acts of Service.’ If I come home and someone has emptied the…
Read MoreSeven ways to increase emotional intimacy with your partner
After years spent together, raising your family, and putting your career, family, and other demands of a busy life before your relationship, it may be time to start to put your relationship first. It’s time to think about ways to increase emotional intimacy with your partner. The love you have for each other is still…
Read MoreHow to have more fun in your relationship
How often do you have fun together as a couple? Leaving aside day-to-day responsibilities and fully immersing yourself in your time spent together? Do you need to have more fun in your relationship? Find out how to have more fun in your relationship with this easy and dare I say it; fun exercise to do…
Read MoreHow to navigate change when your adult child moves home
We talk about the freedom that an empty nest brings, but sometimes you find your nest refilling as your adult child moves home unexpectedly. It’s a change and perhaps a challenge for everyone and benefits from a careful setting of boundaries and thinking about what you all need to make the new living situation harmonious…
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